Sunday, 28 September 2014

Flight #6 - Shoreham - Setting config for landing ("Base Leg" and "Final")

We are so blessed having lovely September days above 20 degrees Celsius in September.

I had booked my "usual" flying lesson time of Sunday 10am, which gives me time to go to church for 8.30 then drive to Shoreham Airfield for a 10am lesson. This is good for me as I skip breakfast, lift blood sugar slightly with white coffee, and have low risk of hypo from insulin during the flight as I haven't had any fast insulin since dinner the night before.

Today we would be practicing setting up aircraft config for the Base Leg and then Final as we head towards doing take-off and landing circuits part of training in a few weeks time (I hope). We headed off towards the Isle of Wight practicing last week's climbs, then I did a 180 degree turn to head back towards Shoreham and our Base and Final leg practices. Here's that 180 degree turn through my GoPro mounted on my shoulder...

Base leg config is carb heat on, set 1500 RPM, hold nose up until speed drops below 100 kts, add 2 stages of flap in quick succession whilst keeping pitch consistent, set pitch for 75 kts, then on Final (normally as you turn to line up with runway) add third stage of flap and trim for 70 kts. I then praticed "going around" - full power, remove 3rd stage of flap, carb heat off, check positive climb, remove next two stages of flap. Here I am practicing those maneuvers...

Then near Shoreham my Flying Instructor asked me to do the real turn onto Final for the first time and get in Final config (3rd stage of flap, pitch for 70 kts), before he took over, lost a lot of height as I was high, and made a great cross-wind landing...

This was a really enjoyable flight, and I feel like the aircraft is doing what I want more than me "riding it".

Here's a chart of our flight...

- EGKA 280820Z 02005KT 9000 0700E BCFG FEW001 14/14 Q1021
- At 08:20 GMT on 28th (September) wind 20 degrees at 5 kts, visibility 9000 but just 700 to East, Patches of fog, a few clouds at 100 ft. Temp 14 degrees, dew point 14 degrees. Barometric pressure 1021 hPa.

Blood sugar readings...
> 2 hours before flight: 5.8
< 30 mins before flight: 7.0
Landing: I didn't test before landing as I wasn't doing the flying for this part of the flight
(I did check check back in terminal after landing and blood sugar was 6.2)

Flying hours...
This flight: 1h 5m
Accumulated: 6h 15m

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